The great leap breward.

Red Star Roastery: Because Who Needs Choices.


Red Star is not responsible for any disappointment resulting from the lack of choice or variation in our coffee offering. Remember, comrades, uniformity is key.

Collective Satisfaction:

Customer satisfaction is our goal - as long as your definition of satisfaction aligns with ours.

Unity Over Diversity:

Red Star Roastery does not guarantee the satisfaction of individual taste preferences. Our goal is unity, not diversity.

Join the Collective:

By ordering from us, you join the collective. Any expectation of individual satisfaction is counter-revolutionary and against our philosophy.

As predictable as a government official, and as varied as their promises. Each brew offers the excitement of opening a letter from the state - dread and hope, intertwined.

At Red Star Roastery, we embrace unity and simplicity. Our mission transcends the individualistic ethos of contemporary coffee culture, focusing instead on shared experiences. The ritual of brewing and drinking our coffee becomes a symbol of our collective spirit, a celebration of unity over diversity.

"This coffee has revolutionized my mornings. Just like the proletariat rising, it fuels my day with unmatched vigor."

Vladimir Lenin Leader of the Bolshevik Revolution

"Red Star Coffee brings unity to our comrades. A cup of this brew, and we all feel the strength of the collective spirit."

Mao Zedong Chairman of the Communist Party of China

"A brew that stands the test of time, just like our ideals. Each sip is a reminder of the glorious future we strive for."

Fidel Castro Prime Minister of Cuba

"The choice is now clear: Red Star Coffee that invests in quality for all, no longer just for the privileged few."

Jeremy Corbyn Former Leader of the UK Labour Party